Okanagan College Vocational Collective Agreement

The Okanagan College Vocational Collective Agreement Explained

The Okanagan College Vocational Collective Agreement is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for vocational instructors at Okanagan College in British Columbia, Canada. This agreement affects approximately 160 instructors who teach vocational programs across four campuses.

The collective agreement is negotiated between the Okanagan College Faculty Association (OCFA) and Okanagan College. The OCFA is a union that represents instructors at all levels, including vocational instructors.

The agreement covers a range of topics, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions. Some of the key elements of the agreement include:

1. Salaries: The agreement outlines the salary grid for vocational instructors, which is based on experience and education. Instructors with more experience and education receive higher salaries. The current salary range for vocational instructors at Okanagan College is between $54,692 and $89,956 per year.

2. Benefits: The agreement also outlines the benefits that vocational instructors are entitled to. This includes extended health and dental coverage, life insurance, disability insurance, and a retirement plan. Instructors also receive paid sick leave and a range of other leaves, including compassionate leave and parental leave.

3. Working Conditions: The agreement also covers working conditions for vocational instructors. This includes the number of hours they are expected to work each week, class sizes, and the amount of preparation time they are entitled to. The agreement also outlines the process for resolving disputes and grievances between instructors and the college.

Overall, the Okanagan College Vocational Collective Agreement is designed to ensure that vocational instructors are fairly compensated for their work and that they have access to a range of benefits and working conditions that support their well-being. The agreement is reviewed and renegotiated every few years to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of instructors and the college.

In conclusion, as a professional, it is important to note that anyone interested in learning more about the Okanagan College Vocational Collective Agreement or any other collective agreements in British Columbia can find more information on the website of the BC Labour Relations Board. The BC Labour Relations Board is responsible for administering and interpreting collective agreements in the province.